How to Hit a Draw in Golf

man playing golfSo, you want to know how to hit a draw in golf?

Hitting a draw in golf requires you to put an inside-out swing on the ball, along with the proper setup, swing, and follow-through.

It’s not an easy shot to hit, but if you can get it down it can become your go-to swing and can help shave a few strokes off your scorecard!

Golf is a game that is extremely difficult to master. Beginner golfers can get excellent results with the proper golf swing and the right equipment. However, if you do not hit a good shot, you will not achieve the desired result.

One of the frustrations of playing golf is hitting a draw. The pros hit them like a breeze. But it’s frustrating if you’ve been practicing for a while and still can’t get one over the fairway.

When you start to slice your golf ball, there’s not much you can do about it. Practice a little more and see if you can make some adjustments to your swing to draw a golf ball in a straighter line. Then you’ll find that your ball will go further off the tee.

This article will share some great advice on hitting a draw shot in golf. You’ll learn what a draw shot is and the proper alignment of the clubhead and ball.

This will help you learn how to hit a draw shot with your golf club. Once you master this, you’ll be able to hit a draw shot in golf every time!

What Is a Draw in Golf?

A draw shot is not like a straight ball, it has a different ball flight.  A draw is one of the four basic shot shapes in golf, along with the fade, a slice, and a hook. Typically, a draw is hit with the clubface square to slightly closed at address, which causes the ball to move right to the left at impact.

A right-handed golfer will need to aim at a slight right-to-left movement of the ball to hit a draw. Conversely, a left-handed golfer will need to aim at a little left-to-right direction of the ball.

To successfully hit a draw in golf, you need to have the proper setup and process in place. Let’s discuss it.

How to Hit a Draw With a Driver

According to ball flight laws, you have to make the closed clubface open at impact to create a draw, which means the ball needs to be hit on a slight fade. When driving the ball, it’s essential to focus on the path the ball takes.

The club faces angle, which is slightly opened, and the position of your body, as well as your hands, affect your ability to hit the shot.

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However, your golf swing does have a “slice-proof” factor; it all comes down to grip, path, and clubface for achieving a smooth and consistent draw.

Get the right equipment, train your body for optimal function, and you’ll likely be able to pull off a better draw than most.

Let’s dig deeper into each of them.

1. Control the Clubface

As you can see here, the main reason for coming over the top is losing control of the clubface. Ideally, you want the clubface to stay square to your target line or just ever so slightly closed.

The key to hitting a draw is to keep your clubface closed as you swing the club for most golfers. This is the easiest way to keep the clubface from opening up.

An excellent open clubface causes a side-to-side swing at impact. This causes too much spin and, in most cases, a slice. You need a square clubface with an inside-to-square club path to produce a draw.

Grip: Your grip is essential, so be sure to keep it solid and straight. With practice, you can learn to grip like a pro. To check your grip, point your wrist to the trail shoulder.

If your thumbs and fingers form a V shape when you clench them together, you have a stronger grip. If you’re right-handed, you’ll need to rotate your hands slightly counter-clockwise if you want to strengthen your grip.

2. Keep It Square on the Backswing

Square is the position of your clubface when you’re about to strike the ball. If you want to hit a draw that stays square at impact, make sure your clubface stays square as you swing back.

Square at the top of your swing, square on the backswing, and square in your follow-through are key components to hitting the draw well. To get a better look at how this works, try drawing it out in the air and seeing how it looks.

Try to make contact with the clubface in front of the ball as longer possible on the takeaway so that you’re facing the ball throughout the whole process. Keep the clubface rotating with your arms and body; ensure your hands are away from your body.

When staying connected, it’s essential to keep your hands from moving when swinging the clubhead and not manipulate the clubface. If your wrist is flat when your backswing starts, then you’re getting it wrong. Your wrist must be at the top of your swing path, and you should never have the wrist over your back shoulder and also not cupped or bent too much.

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3. Use Your Hips

To turn your body into your trail hip, make sure that you have your foot and knee bent at a 90-degree angle. This will help to keep your trail leg under your body, which will prevent the heel of your back foot from lifting up as you rotate. For hitting a  great draw in golf, your trail hip must be turned away from the ball, and your spine should be kept straight and steady.

This vital position is your best way to attack the ball. You need enough space to provide you to move forward and make an aggressive turn toward the ball. Keep your elbows returning to their original starting positions so that you can move through your backswing in a smooth and efficient motion.

4. Inside Out Swing Path

The correct way to draw in golf balls is to swing from the inside to the outside of the golf ball. To do this, you must follow the right club path.

A solid swing and a strong follow-through are required to make the most accurate draw. Keep the clubface square and rotate back correctly. Picture yourself hitting a drive on the tee at 4 pm.

This will create the proper inside-to-square club path, a draw spin on the ball slightly at impact, and give you a nice, straight shot at the pin.

5. Finish Strong

To be successful with the driver, you must make a quick follow-through, hitting the ball in front of the club. You will likely alter your path or clubface if you slow down at the end of your swing.

Don’t forget to rotate your chest as you approach the end line. Get in position, focus on the target and then take off. It’s that simple.

6. Stay Connected

When you use your big muscles, you need to keep your arms and body in sync. It makes a smoother swing. It’s not uncommon for so many golfers to move their upper bodies forward too early in the swing and take the club out of balance as they start the swing.

They need to learn to keep the clubhead in the middle of their body and not use their arms and hands so much. The Swing Align device in your golf course will help you keep the clubface square to your target, making it easier to get more powerful and accurate shots on target.

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You can talk to a fade but a hook won’t listen. “Lee Trevino”

Where Do You Aim When Hitting a Draw?

Most golfers should aim to the right of their targets when aiming to draw the ball. The ball will begin to the right of your target, then curve back to the left.

You can achieve a goal to draw the ball left or right, but there’s a catch – as you might end up drawing the ball straight or hitting a right-footed shot.

It’s all about alignment and footwork, though, so the more you practice those movements, the easier it’ll be to draw the ball towards the direction you want.

If you want to draw the ball back into the left corner, the face of the shot needs to be a bit closed as well.

One of the most common mistakes that golfers make is to target left or right instead of straight. With practice, you’ll be able to improve your putting by targeting to the right and getting the ball onto that “in-to-out” path and then closing the face through impact.

Hitting a Draw Is Easy With Golf Swing Align

When you swing correctly, you’re ready for any shot. Swing Align is a great practice tool for achieving a consistent draw because it helps you control the clubface with your body.

It will also assist you in achieving better balance, rotation and assist you to feel confident in your golf swing.

But getting the strong grip pressure is crucial for your swing. Find the sweet spot get your grip pressure right, and the club will sit in your fingers. So now you’re ready to make your backswing.

To make moving your arms and hands easier, you want to keep your elbows down.

Final Thoughts

Our goal was to give you a thorough breakdown of the fundamentals of hitting a draw in a golf game. While you’re practicing, don’t be afraid to fail. It’s part of the process.

The first thing of golf instruction you need to understand is that the ball is not moving in a straight line. This means you have to hit a line as close to square as possible.

Once you hit that line, you want to keep your head down and follow through with your club or golf course. This will create a smooth swing that will give you a good chance of hitting a draw.

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