How to Create Lag in Your Golf Swing – 3 Steps to Improve Your Ball Striking

image of golferGolfers know that each skill is important for their success in the golf tournament. That’s why they pay undivided attention to their day-to-day golf practice. You may have heard about lag, but executing it flawlessly is a challenging task.

Sometimes, wondering how to create lag in the golf swing can distract you during the game. That’s why learning, practicing and understanding it is crucial. 

But what is lag, and why is it essential for a golf winner? Lag is a simple yet confusing term for many golfers. Simply put, it is the distance of the clubhead when it trails behind the movement of your arms and body.

While initiating the downswing golf club, you can enjoy a lag by maintaining a suitable angle between your leading arm and the golf club shaft.

Without learning and mastering the lag, you can face worrisome challenges in your golf career. In this profound blog, you will learn the three striking methods for creating a perfect lag in your golf swing. 

Step 1: Use Your Wrist to Create a 90-Degree Angle

  • The 90-Degree Rule of Golf

How to Create Lag in Golf Swing

For a good and powerful golf strike, always remember the golden role of a 90-degree angle. Your body is a power source, and rotating it is vital for an excellent golf strike. You need to distribute your weight evenly on both feet and try to maintain a shoulder-width between them. Once you flex your knees and rotate your body, it will give a significant lag to your golf swing. 

  • Grab the Club With Your Non-Dominant Hand

Use your non-dominant hand to grip the club firmly. Be relaxed and use the iron club of your choice. Set its clubhead freely on the ground. To get an unparalleled golf strike, put your non-dominant hand below the grip and near the top end of the golf club shaft. Don’t allow your wrists to move while initiating the downswing and backswing club. 

  • Bring the Club Overhead

Now you have to make a 90-degree angle of the club with your wrist. To do so, bring the club over your head and initiate a backswing. During this process, keep your arm straight. To aim in the right direction, grip the club firmly, reach the top of your backswing, and form a right angle. 

  • Keep Your Dominant Elbow Close

Don’t push away your dominant elbow. When you start swinging the golf club, keep your elbow close to your side. The clubhead will lag if you keep the dominant elbow close to your body. Swing the club multiple times to master it. 

  • Learn the Art of 90-Degree Fully

Maintaining a 90-degree degree between the clubhead and arm can be a challenging task. But once you will achieve a 90-degree angle, practice several times a week. After learning the correct angle of your wrists, start practicing like you usually do. Bring the skill in your regular golf tournaments and keep practicing until you become confident. 

See also  How to Increase Clubhead Speed: Crank Up Your Power Now

Step 2: Swing the Club Like a Golf Pro

  • Create a Calm Body Posture

When you want to swing the club like a pro, try to distribute your weight evenly. Don’t stumble around, and keep a calm posture. Face your body towards the direction in which you want to hit the golf ball. Keep a shoulder-width distance between your feet. Then a slight bend in your knees and a rotation in your body will give you a swing like pro golf. Your weight should be evenly divided in both feet, so you aren’t leaning forward or backward.

  • Bend Your Body From Above the Hips

Your body posture is crucial for creating a perfect lag in the golf swing. Take a forward bend from your hips and put the clubhead behind the golf ball. Keep a calm posture and place the clubhead smoothly on the ground behind the ball. Your focus should be to place the clubhead behind the ball. 

man play in golf

  • Hold Tightly and Flexibly the Golf Club Shaft

Grip the club in your pinkie and index fingers. Place the non-dominant hand below the grip at the end. Your dominant hand should be beneath the grip in a way that its index finger should touch the pinkie finger of the non-dominant hand. Similarly, wrap the fingers of the non-dominant hand so that they are connected with the index finger of the other hand. Thus, a solid grip will create a perfect lag in your golf swing. 

  • Start a Backswing and Downswing Clubhead

Now start backswing by moving the hand of the club. Move your hands below your body and bring them down to create a downswing. In this all rotation, your feet should be your shoulder-width apart and keep the body’s flexibility to the maximum.

  • Give a Final Blow to the Golf Ball 

The hip movement is paramount in your perfect shot of the golf ball. You need to unwind your hips. Keep your lead arm near your chest. Give a subtle rotation to your hips in the direction of swinging. Maintain the angle of your wrists. Following these steps would help you to make a perfect shot with the clubhead. 

See also  How to Sharpen Grooves on Golf Clubs - 3 Easy Methods

Step 3: Practice Regularly to Improve Your Lag & Increase Clubhead Speed

To generate an excellent lag, try to shift your weight to the ball and hold the club firmly. To do this:

  1. Stand in the direction of the ball and grip the club.
  2. Keep your lead arm straight, start your backswing, and try to maintain the right angle in your wrists.
  3. When you start swinging the club towards the golf ball, shift your weight into the ball by taking a step ahead with the lead foot. This practice will help you maintain a robust lag during your real golf tournaments. 

man play in golf

Bottom Line on Creating Lag in Your Golf Swing

Creating a perfect and unbeatable lag in golf swing takes both courage and persistence. Practice is everything, and controlling the motion of your body is a lifeline.

When you maintain the right angle in your wrists and body rotation, you would feel like a pro golfer. But try to practice one part at a time. Doing everything at once would decrease your potential. That’s why you should take golf practice daily and gradually.

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