Balance Drills for Golf – Read These Tips for a Rock Solid Foundation

Balance drills for golf are a great way to improve your game.  Very few golfers are happy with their drive distance; most strive to gain extra yardage from every tee shot. It’s not necessarily about how hard you swing, but a good setup combined with excellent balance and flexibility.  Balance and flexibility are the keys to clubhead speed and distance.

Players with the best balance are stabilized and have control over their bodies, resulting in an all-around improved game.

It is never too late to improve your balance. By regularly practicing golf balance drills, at home or on the course, you will be amazed at how quickly your swing improves.

A golf swing should be a fluid, smooth action that creates a lot of power with minimum effort.  The player should be able to hold the end position for 20-secs without fear of over-balancing.

Consistent precision shots are achievable with regular golf balance drills; never fear falling into a stroke again. Good balance and connection with the ground produce an excellent down-swing sequence and consistency. 

Golf Balance Drills 

There are multiple drills devised for their ease and simplicity. Repeat them often to retrain your body. Each of the following drills assumes you have already mastered your setup. Your weight should be over the center of your ankle, the middle of your foot should feel stable.

Always remember; a golf swing starts from the ground up and not from the upper body and arms.

Try These Balance Drills for Golf and Start Improving Your Game Today:

Drill 1

Indoors or Outdoors:

  • Remove your shoes and socks. Why? Golf shoes provide support; we need you to learn that same support/balance without their help.
  • Engage your stance and begin controlled steady swings.
  • Remain conscious of the grip your feet have on the ground.
  • Increase your pace to full-power, commit your feet’s grip to memory.
  • Replace your shoes and socks and attempt to recreate the style.
  • Repeat regularly until your swing with and without footwear is identical.
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The drill eliminates sway in the backswing as you’re core is centered, stabilized, and balanced.

Drill 2:

  • Remove your shoes.
  • Place a coin on the ground beneath the inside pad of your trail foot.
  • Practice your swinging while attempting to maintain pressure on the coin in all phases.
  • Lost pressure results in excessive movement in the backswing and loss of accuracy.
  • Get acquainted will the feeling of the coin and your position. Replace your shoes and recreate the swing.

The drill ensures the lower body is in the perfect position to begin the down-swing sequence.

Drill 3:

  • Practice a controlled swing while standing on one foot. Keep going until you can comfortably do this for 30-seconds.
  • Switch feet and repeat for a further 30-seconds.
  • Close one eye, repeat the drill for each leg.
  • Close the other eye, again repeat on alternate legs.
  • Close both eyes, carry out the swing, changing legs halfway through.
  • Finally, with boy eyes closed and standing on one leg, gentle turn your head from side to side while swinging the club.

Initially, this might feel difficult to complete. However, improvements in balance, posture, and stamina are soon evident. As your confidence and abilities grow, increase the pace of the swing.

Drill 4:

  • Set yourself with a mid-iron.
  • Gently rock from side to side, feeling the pressure switching from one foot to the other.
  • Swing the club back
  • Note; the pressure is on the right foot; the left foot will lift a little
  • Swing the club through
  • Note; the pressure shifts to the left foot allowing the right one to momentarily raise.
  • Repeat twice; on the third swing, step towards the ball and make contact.
  • Get a good rhythm going. Remain aware of the pressure moving through the swing and the effect it has on the shot.
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Frequent repetition of this drill helps the body to recognize the mechanics of good balance.  It also improves coordination and reduces the work of the arms. 

The Benefits of Good Balance for Golfers 

The consequences of poor balance are inaccuracy, reduced power, and an uneven-looking, strained swing.

Golfers that overswing (pull the club back so far to gain power they often lose total control) typically fall off balance. Similarly, golfers whose stance is narrow suffer from balance issues.

Good Balance Promotes: 

  • Better club control
  • Razor-sharp precision, even on long approach shots
  • More controlled contact with the ball
  • Increased power, improved flight
  • Enables best downswing sequence – less chance of going ‘over-the-top.’

Final Thoughts 

Practicing golf balance drills frequently shows in the accuracy and the best distances you have ever achieved.

There is no need to try and whack the paint off a golf ball to attain further flight. Let your balance and posture do all of the hard work – from the ground up, of course.

Thanks for reading these tips on balance drills for golf.  If you enjoyed this post, please leave me a comment below, and show some social media love by giving me a like and/or share!

Til next time, hit em straight!


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